08 July 2007

This is Darwin!
Hah, Mom thought I couldn't figure out the new Google password that she created, she was wrong. I can't get the titals to work but let me tell you about what they've been doing to me over the last few months. Dad decided to clean the kitchen and as part of his cleaning he moved my room. I know that when Mom yells at me to go to my room, it's safest to obey her because she only yells that when someone's in trouble and if I obey fast, it won't be me. But Dad moved my room. That means I can't use my room to get onto the kitchen counter anymore, it's clear on the other side of the dining area and there are 2 birdcages between me and the counter. I don't mind Tracy being closer to my room, she shares her food with me. She always drops the red flowers from her food dish for me. She says they taste yucky but they taste fine to me.
The bad part is they put the stupid birds in front of the door to my room. I can't close my door anymore and I have to go under their cage to get to my room. And they talk to each other all day and all night. It wouldn't be bad if they had an intelligent conversation but I can only take so much of "So do you think the big bird will eat us today?" and "Have you looked in the mirror." "Do you like the bird in the mirror? Do you think the bird in the mirror is prettier than you are, how about the bird in my mirror, do you like him more than me." then they have the nerve to tease Tracy until she comes over to make them shut up. I don't know why the hoomans don't understand that when Tracy is pecking at them she's just trying to get them to stop talking about nothing. They are annoying.
When the family went out of town this time, they at least got me my favorite Darwin sitter. She walks me twice a day and feeds me leftovers as well as overfilling my food scoop. She's so cool. I always make sure that I thank her properly by greeting her enthusiastically, I mean who else do I get on 2 legs for, not many people I can tell you that. I also figured that she could use me as an extra pillow but she kept pushing me off the bed, I mean, how fair is that? At least she took me for a walk as soon as she got up in the morning, that was cool. It's great being the first one to sniff everything that happened at night and the new retractable leash lets me follow all sorts of smells without people yelling, "Darwin, stop pulling!" I get so much more space to sniff on both sides of the sidewalk now. I have to hurry and finish up though, I think I hear Mom and Dad getting home. They said something about a detour slowing them down since I-15 was closed because of the wildfires.


At 2:50 AM, July 09, 2007, Blogger Deepak said...

Hey wut a fine writing. i m too much younger than you but ur writin is simple, great,understable
. now i will daily go through ur posts.
hey but wts the story of rabbit..


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