10 June 2007

True Colors Tour

Today, I put together my IKEA furniture and started moving things back into the room. There is still a long way to go. But DD and I took a break to use our True Colors tickets. We bought them when we found out that Cyndi Lauper, Deborah Harry, and the Dresden Dolls were all on the same ticket. We didn't know at that time that it was a gay pride concert.

I have to say though that Margaret Cho (the emcee) had it right when she said that gay men work harder at their appearance than lesbians. The eye candy in front of us was a lot nicer to look at than the couple next to us. The music was great and I have a CD from the Dresden Dolls with the autograph giving permission for my DD to load it to her iTunes account (it's my CD but I have the artist's "permission for 1 compy for DD."

I feel better about my weight after seeing Deborah Harry and Cyndi Lauper. They look really good but as close as the 2nd row was to the stage, Cyndi's corset was larger than a 14.


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