18 June 2007

And what did you do this week?

It’s taken one week but the stash room is CLEAN! Over a year ago, the room looked like this:

But since I’ve been in school, the kids have decided that if they don’t know where to put it, it goes in a box and gets shoved in my room. So Thursday night it looked like this when DH left with the boys for the weekend. You can see why the kids went from calling it the sewing room to the swearing room! Thursday night I sat down and took the first step in my LIFEChange Program Get Organized workbook. I drew a plan for what I wanted the room to look like. Friday, I left work early and went to IKEA where I bought 2 shelves, a computer table and some things to help organize the shelves. I took everything out of the room in bins and put it in the garage. By 5:30 I had the computer desk put together and the computer moved. At 6:00 pm on Friday the room was ready for me to start working. By the time I went to bed, it looked like this:

By the end of the weekend we were at here:

I won’t bore you with the rest of the pictures but Monday all the stash projects went into project boxes or Poly-envelopes, Tuesday I discovered I have more 32 count linen than any other fabric, Wednesday I finished quicksorting most of the boxes, Thursday I started cataloguing and cleaning out patterns, Friday DH hung my new blinds, and here is the finished product:

Although I'm still not happy with the lack of light in the room so that trip to Home Depot is still coming! All in all, not bad for a week. I should add that the LIFEChange program believes in doing chewable chunks of time, not a major push like this one. However, it does feel great to have space of my own.

P.S. I'm also saving up to get a different chair.


At 6:09 AM, June 18, 2007, Blogger Arthemise said...

Wow, great job! That was a massive undertaking. You do deserve a new chair.

At 8:14 AM, June 18, 2007, Blogger HasturTorres said...

Wow. It looks awesome!

At 11:19 AM, June 18, 2007, Blogger Nicole said...

Great job Stasha! those storage units from IKEA look great. It hardly looks like the same place I saw last year!

At 11:14 AM, June 19, 2007, Blogger Glenda said...

Immpressive transformation!

At 7:40 AM, June 20, 2007, Blogger Suzanne said...

WOW, it looks amazing!! Suz

At 1:19 PM, June 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - you're in the final 3 of my Organizing Idol list... Take a bow!

At 8:30 AM, July 02, 2007, Blogger Onilyn said...

Great job!!! Looks wonderful!


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