02 January 2006

On Isolation...

I've run into many women this past year who indicated that they felt left out, that they didn't have any close friends in the neighborhood and that they didn't know what to do to make friends. I keep joking that I'm going to get all those women together and have a party so they can get to know each other.
Today at church they announced a change in the Enrichment program. Instead of a once a month meeting with a lesson and activity, they will now have 6 lesson meetings and they encourage us to come up with ideas for smaller get-together type things where we can get to know others in the neighborhood without having a church type activity. I would love to have people over for quilting or stitching or a game night. I just keep thinking that we're all so afraid of letting people know who we really are and then we feel isolated because we don't learn and share with each other.
As one person said today, if you're isolated and lonely - it's time to reach out of yourself and put some effort into getting to know others.


At 8:43 AM, January 06, 2006, Blogger Onilyn said...

Not only are we afraid of letting people know who we truly are, but we are afraid of getting hurt. No one wants to be hurt or betrayed, but by keeping our hearts whole, we forget that in order to find friendship and love you have to take a chance. And by taking a chance one person at a time, you can rebuild your trust in people.


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