22 December 2005

Just a question as we go into the holiday stretch...

Do you have a comfort level with cash? Do you feel like you have a hole in your pocket and spend all you can if you get over a certain level in your bank account or if you have under a certain amount on your credit cards?
Do you waste money on stupid stuff and think, "I really should return that?" but find it's just too much bother?

I would really appreciate comments on this because it's something I've been really thinking about since I heard Suze Orman say something.


At 5:32 AM, December 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that way about the allowance money that my husband and I give to eachother to spend on what ever we want. Right now, money is really tight. Husband switched jobs and the way he got paid changed, plus we've had a ton of extra stuff happen this year. I got some money for my b-day and purchaced some things that I had been wanting for years (collenction stuff). I feel guilty for getting it, because money is so tight right now for us. Normally we have cash in envlopes to spend and that keeps us on track farily well for our spending. We find that most of the time we'll spend up to the cash limit, but no further.

At 12:25 PM, December 23, 2005, Blogger Jill in CA said...

Nope, definitely not! I do have a lower limit under which I worry about pay really close attention though.

At 9:25 PM, December 26, 2005, Blogger Onilyn said...

I don't know that I've ever thought about it. I do usually end up spending all of the cash I have on hand. And usually when I'm out with people. Do holidays count? I always spend more during holidays. Or when I'm in a bad mood.


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