13 December 2005

A confession for you

I have a Guilt Wall.
It's that point when you look at what you're doing and say "What the F***?" Why am I here? I should be doing X,Y, or Z? I should have put this money toward (fill in your personal blank here)? I should be (put in the chore you should have done) instead of (insert favorite hobby or timewaster here).
Tonight I hit the Guilt Wall when I looked up from my Sudoku puzzle at the dirty dishes and messy kitchen. I knew I should have been cleaning the house for my Christmas party on Friday or doing the dishes or working on my stitching model. Usually I hit the Guilt Wall full head on, tonight however wasn't bad since I could yell at kids to do the dishes, put the puzzle up and still have time to do a couple threads in the model after I cleaned up the TV room. There are nights I hit the Guilt Wall with such force that all I can do is stand there and cry.So am I the only one with a Guilt Wall? If you don't call that feeling of being overwhelmed for wasting time "hitting the Guilt Wall" What do you call it? If you have a Guilt Wall what does it look like?
I should add, that mine does have lots of indentations from the times that I've hit it full force with no air bag in place.


At 7:49 AM, December 14, 2005, Blogger Autumn said...

Oh I have one of those too. My hits are usually accompanied with full emotional meltdowns. I'm pretty laid back most of the time and don't get really upset, but when that guilt starts creeping up I get pretty irrational.

At 8:27 AM, December 14, 2005, Blogger Terri said...

You know, I've never had a term for that "feeling," but now that I see "Guilt Wall," that is exactly how I feel!

At 9:30 PM, December 26, 2005, Blogger Onilyn said...

I've never named it. But, yup I've done it. ANd I either cry and then do it, or throw my hands up in the air and say screw it. Sometimes you just have to wing it and take of yourself for a change.


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