A week in review
Sunday was incredible. I woke up depressed about going to church because I just so don’t fit in. DH told me that I needed to do more to invite people over and get to know them. So I get to church (late) and the Sunday school lesson is about missionary work and the subject came around to supporting each other in the congregation and supporting our families emotionally. It was just what I needed. Then Relief Society was about living by faith and following the Holy Ghost. I had an epiphany about visiting teaching. It hit me that the women I’m assigned to visit teach are the women that I would love to just hang out with if there wasn’t anything church related involved. So I decided to throw the standard visit part out the window and just call and do stuff with them. I ended up at one house Sunday night and we just talked until 1 am. I’m going to see her daughter’s dance recital on Saturday.Monday work went pretty smooth I got a lot done but was missing accounting data on stuff and the accounting chick snapped at me anytime I brought in things that didn’t balance (probably because I insisted that my numbers were correct). Monday night was the family reunion and they had a historian there to talk about Grandpapa’s wives (you all knew I was from polygamous stock, right?). He talked a bit about the first wife that no one talks about because she had no children, was mentally ill, and they did divorce. The speaker spent just a few minutes on the other 5 and showing statistics on how they compared in age, death dates, and number of children. He also went over when the kids were born. There was one year that had 3 kids born. I learned so much and I had taken DS#1 with me. He usually finds the reunion boring until the food and mingling part at the end. This time, he put up his book and listened.
Tuesday - I got to work and was informed that I would be staying late with the out of town computer specialist and making sure that everything got set up. I left the office at 4:30 am but I did get the Jr. High newsletter written, laid out, approved and copied before I left the office. I also realized that the company American Express card is missing.
Wednesday – I got up at 7am to see if I really had to go back to work. I did for some reports. The accounting chick just about took my head off when I told her I didn’t have the data. She finally realized that she had pulled up the correct report and then sent me the one for a different client. I had arranged to take Wed afternoon off earlier but now, it’s not flex time its comp time so I still have to find a day to take off between now and Dec 31 so I only have 80 hours of unused vacation to carry over. At 1:00 I went up to the school to meet with DS#2 and his tutor. I should have checked that the teacher was ready. Apparently despite emails with the teacher, the principal didn’t know anything about it. A room had never been reserved. They gave us one room then shuffled us as another teacher needed it. I also wanted copies of his file since I had things from Barb in there about how CAPD and ADD mimic each other but need to be treated differently. None of it could be found. After that I went to the Deseret Foundation quilt show, 74 Hand-quilted Quilts some of them even hand pieced. All of the auction proceeds will go to the IHC Hospital chains to cover care of indigent patients. After that I had people over to my house to work on the Harry Potter #3 quilt. They’re coming back Sunday to help with it too.
Thursday – Accounting woman bit my head off when I walked in the door. Seems she thought that I read minds about what terminated groups she wanted numbers on. But then she’s been biting my head off since Monday and I’m just biting back (which isn’t nice). But then she’s also been blaming me for some of her own mistakes. Other than that work went pretty smooth and I got some stitching time on Gandalf this evening while watching my Netflix movies. I also realized that Harry Potter comes out Friday.
Friday – Morning came too soon. I did drop off 2 of the Netflix movies for return. And I did find the missing American Express card. It was borrowed by the Christmas party committee and they were sure they had returned it but when I made them search their desks and purses (mean, mean, nasty looks) one of the girls found it in her purse. Funny how that happens. I still don’t have tickets for Harry Potter. At least I don’t have to come in to work next week.
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