25 September 2007

It's that time again...

Just got the call from HR, I have to take 63 hours off before the end of the year. And at that point I will still have 80 hours of PTO to rollover to next year. I figure if I take the 3 days after Christmas and the Friday before Christmas - that gives me a whole week while my sisters are in town.

If I take the Wednesday before Thanksgiving that would be a good thing - 5 day weekend.

The kids have UEA in October, I'll ask for that off and then DH has been wanting to run away for a weekend so that would be a good deal - take a Friday so we can have a 3 day weekend.

So that leaves me one more day that I should take off so that I'm not rolling over the maximum number of weeks. Maybe I'll call the county clerk's office and see if they need any election judges for the upcoming election.


At 4:14 PM, September 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stasha, be selfish. Use that last day as a "me" day. Schedule pampering appointments like a massage or manicure. Go shopping (if you like that sort of thing). OR sit at home in your PJs all day, eat chocolate, and STITCH! It's your PTO earned with your blood, sweat, and tears. Use one day just for you. We moms never seem to give ourselves permission to do that. So, I'm giving you permission AND encouraging you!


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