09 March 2007

Keyword searches....

So I figured I would check my stats to see what keyword searches are bringing people here. I must be really boring because there weren't any fun keywords this time that didn't relate to me.
All the keywords showing up on statcounter were Stasha, just so you know and just so you now.

Maybe I need to write more and write more spicy. Sorry if I've been boring you all.

I did spend the week in Vegas at a seminar on search engine optimization and internet sales. Too bad I don't have anything to sell. Except I'm selling off some stitching stash but I find if I do it in lots larger than 10 items, I have difficulty mailing things out in a timely manner. I also have to find a way to get the refund on the insertion fees for the 2nd time items. Maybe I'll work on that tonight after I get 6 months of checking accounts balanced for the tax man.

I envy those of you who are so organized that you're getting your refunds already.

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