26 June 2006

The boys are back in town...

I love it when my kids surprise me. DS#1 was at scout camp this week and I’m hearing great feedback from other parents about what a leader he is. He’s the senior patrol leader and made it his responsibility to take care of the younger kids. I’m getting stories about how after finishing his own 2 laps for qualifying to swim; he jumped back in the lake to help a younger scout who was struggling. I’ve had a father say he doesn’t ever worry about DS#1 getting lost in the woods since he has too much common sense and would find his way to safety. (DS#1 got wilderness survival this week at camp.)
The only down side to having him back is now that he earned the horsemanship merit badge, he wants to go to riding camp. Anyone want a 13 year old to care for their horse for a week this summer?


At 11:09 PM, June 26, 2006, Blogger Onilyn said...

Congratulations to your son. What wonderful son you have.


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