31 January 2006

and the life change continues....

Last week the focus was on starting an exercise program and it worked and is still working. I may not be getting to the gym but I’m working out every day which is more than I used to do. This week’s focus is organization – starting with cleaning my areas of the house. I decided to start with my closet. I decided to start slow, every time I go into the closet, I have to pick up and put away 5 things. Then about bedtime, I got into a frenzy. I can now see the floor of the closet, it needs to be vacuumed, if only because a potpourri thingy spilled a while back and it’s all over the carpet. I did decide that the 4 drawer unit is too small for the closet. I also discovered that I own more purses and belts than I thought I did. DH says I should throw out any purse that I can’t repair the lining in. I just might after all part of organizing is simplifying and I probably don’t really need 5 animal print purses.


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