Now for something a little more serious....
Just a thought from an interview with the director of children’s services at the South Valley Sanctuary for Victims of Domestic Violence:1/3 of the victims of Domestic violence are men (yes, I know a lot of women hate that statistic).
The average victim of domestic violence makes 7 or 8 attempts to leave before succeeding.
Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to become victims or abusers themselves.
Children’s perceptions of normal are based on the home life that they grow up in. Thus a child in an abusive home assumes that the behavior he or she witnesses is normal and expects to treat or be treated the same way that their parents act.
Very few programs are designed to help the witness. I’m lucky to work with one program that is designed specifically to help children learn that the behavior they grew up with is not correct. It’s designed to teach children what is acceptable behavior for a man or a women and how they should expect a mentally healthy partner to behave.
For more information on the Witnesses of Domestic Violence program, please contact the Sandy Counseling Center at 801-944-1666.
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